Mehr Komfort und Sicherheit im Haushalt

Antirutsch Teppichunterlagen

Die Lösung gegen rutschende Teppiche


Pair text with an image to give customers insight into your brand. Tell a story, explain a product detail, or describe a new promotion.

Filzgleiter & Möbelgleiter

Pair text with an image to give customers insight into your brand. Tell a story, explain a product detail, or describe a new promotion.


Pair text with an image to give customers insight into your brand. Tell a story, explain a product detail, or describe a new promotion.


Pair text with an image to give customers insight into your brand. Tell a story, explain a product detail, or describe a new promotion.


Pair text with an image to give customers insight into your brand. Tell a story, explain a product detail, or describe a new promotion.


Pair text with an image to give customers insight into your brand. Tell a story, explain a product detail, or describe a new promotion.

Das sagen unsere Kundinnen und Kunden
Effektiver Antirutschschutz
— Ricki
Haftet wie angenagelt :-)
— Anguana
Sehr gute Antirutschmatte
— B.S.
Super Haftung auf Auslegeware
— Sabine S.
Hält einwandfrei auf Laminat
— F. Müller
Einfach und sehr genial!
— WE
Perfekte Antirutschmatte
— ThoHo
Super Preis-Leistungsverhältnis
— Tuan Huynh
Mehr Sicherheit


Für jeden Fall die richtige Antirutschunterlage